Barn med lymfödem


Damstra RJ, Mortimer PS. Diagnosis and therapy in children with lymphoedema. Phlebology 2008; 23: 276-286.

Findlay CA, Donaldson MDC, Watt G. Foot problems in Turner ́s Syndrome. J Pediatr 2001;138: 775-777

Frias JL, Davenport ML. Health Supervision for Children with Turner Syndrome. Pediatrics2003;111: 692-702.

Gober-Wilcox JK, Gardner DL, Joste NE, Clericuzio CL, Zlotoff B. Limb hyperplasia: Case Report of an Unusual Variant of Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome and Review of the Literature. Cutis 2009; 83: 255-262.

Gloviczki P, Driscoll DJ. Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome: current management. Phlebology 2007;22:291-298.

Hansson E, Troilius Rubin A, Freccero C. ABC om vaskulära lesioner, del 1: Klassificering och diagnostik. Läkartidningen.2015; 12; 112. pii: C97W.

Hansson E, Troilius Rubin A, Freccero C. ABC om vaskulära lesioner, del 2: Behandling, komplikationer och associerade syndrom. Läkartidningen.2015; 12; 112.pii: C97W.

International Lymphoedema Framework. Care of Children with Lymphoedema. ILF 2010.

Karkkainen MJ, Jussila L, Ferrell RE, Finegold DN, Alitalo K. Molecular regulation of lymphangiogenesis and targets for tissue oedema. Trends in Mol Med 2001; 7: 18-22.

Mendola A, et al. Mutations in the VEGFR3 signaling pathway explain 36% of familial lymphedema. Mol Syndromol. 2013 Sep; 4(6): 257-66.

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Moffat CJ, Murray SG. The experience of children and families with lympoedema – a journey within a journey. Int Wound J 2010; 7: 14 – 26.

Papendieck CM. Lymphatic dysplasias in Pediatrics. A new classification. Int Angiol 1999; 18: 6-9.

Ridner SH. The Psycho-Social impact of Lymphedema. Lymphat Res Biol 2009; 7: 109-112. Saenger P. Turner Syndrome. N Eng J Med 1996; 335: 1749-1754.

Smeltzer DM, Stickler GB, Schirger A. Primary Lymphedema in children and adolescents: A Follow-up Study and review. Pediatrics 1985; 76: 206-218.

Sävendahl L, Davenport ML. Delayed diagnoses of Turner ́s syndrome: proposed guidelines for change. J Pediatrics 2000;137: 455-459.

Todd M. Lymphoedema in children: an overview. Br J Nurs 2010; 19; 420-427.

Todd M, Welsh J, Moriarty D. The experience of parents of children with primary lymphoedema. Int J. Palliative.Nurs 2002; 8: 444-451.

Welsh J, Todd M. Incidence and characteristics of lymphedema in Turner ́s Syndrome. Lymphology 2006; 39:152-153.

Witte CL, Witte MH. An imaging evaluation of angiodysplasia syndromes. Lymphology 2000; 33:158-166.